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Témata pro doktorské studium pro školní rok 2016/2017

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 Dear Colleague,


Please find attached an invitation for the PhD course (advanced graduate level course) “Fracture Mechanics for Laminated Composite Structures” which will be given at Aalborg University in week 42 (15-18 October) of 2012.


The course announcement and course registration can be found through the web-link:  http://phdcourse.aau.dk/index.php?list=29582


The course consists of a condensed session comprising 4 full days of lectures, work on assignments, laboratory exercises, and discussions at AAU.

After the course session the course participants (PhD students) are expected to solve and submit homework assignments.

Diplomas will be issued on the basis of course participation and evaluation of homework assignments, and entitle Ph.D. students to 4 ECTS, corresponding to 100-120 hours of work load.


The course is aimed specifically at Ph.D. students, but the course is also recommended for industrial engineers, engineering scientists and university staff.


Course participation is free for Ph.D. students and university staff. Participants from industry will be charged DKK 7,680 (DKK 1,920 pr. ECTS).


Deadline for course registration is 1 September 2012.

Please feel free to distribute this message to anyone you think may have an interest in the course.  

Best wishes,

Jens H. Andreasen, Esben Lindgaard, and Brian Bak


1Jens Henrik Andreasen, Associate Professor, Ph.D., M.Sc. 

2Esben Lindgaard, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., M.Sc. 

Brian Bak, Ph.D. student, M.Sc. 

Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,
Aalborg University, Fibigerstraede 16, 
DK-9220 Aalborg East, Denmark
1 jha@m-tech.aau.dk  2 elo@m-tech.aau.dk 


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